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How to write an E-mail perfectly.


How to write an E-mail.

Do you know E-mail was invented in 1960s. At that time e-mail had some limitation. It can be sent just pair network. In 1971 first time we are able to send mail through ARPAnet. Now email is popular for sending message quickly. But what is the proper way to sent an email.

First You Need a profession looking mail. Example my name is Fardin Jaman Aronock, so my Mail Address might look like fardin.aronock@yahoo.com or as  my website name is fardin093.xyz its can be fardinxy@fardin093.xyz. Some profession website uses admin@example.com. 


Secondly you need to write a subject for you mail. It’s important for you to write a subject in your mail. But you need to write it in proper way. Ex. If you want to meet someone you can write “requesting a meeting” or if you want to wish you can try. “greeting”.

** Make sure your grammar is correct and don’t make spelling mistake.

Thirdly, greeting. When you start with dear its look formal. You need to think which greeting perfect for your mail. **Don’t make gender mistake during greeting. Suppose you don’t know the name but you know the gender of that person then write “sir or madam” On the other hand if you don’t have any information you can try “To whom it may concern”. Its work great when you sent mail to the bank or any corporate company.


Fourthly, write you main message. It can be just one or two paragraphs. Each paragraph will contain 3-4 sentence.  Don’t make it too long. Write briefly and must focus on subject. If you ask about something that is incomplete, a trick I use is what I call, self-blaming. For instance, if your email is an order or an application that has not gotten a response your email should say something like “perhaps my order was incomplete or perhaps, I left something out of my package” rather than complain about the situation.


Final part is closing. Its simple and short. You can write Regards or Best Regards. Then add your signature behind it. In this part you can write you fast and last name. if you want to add your contact info then you can write fax or phone behind the signature.


Before you sent mail must check it again.


Remember E-mail have 4 basic part:

·        Subject line

·        Greeting

·        Main Text

·        Closing

Don’t Blame other use self-blaming. Try to use passive form of sentence. Avoid those word “must, demand, should, necessity, require. 

Learn More About Email: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Email







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